As an all-volunteer endeavor, the team has spent the past 18 months working to capture these wonderful stories and share them with audiences all around the world. Please consider supporting our efforts by sharing the video links on social media using #113Project or by contributing toward post-production costs - 113 Project Team, March 2016


festivals ・お祭り

The goal of these episodes is to highlight that Tohoku Tomo spirit, that connection and bond people experience when visiting, living, or working in the area and to raise interest/excitement about the festival offers. We want people to remember the disaster, but we also want to promote the attractions and allure of the culture. Because the interviewees are foreign, we believe this will allow western audiences to better connect with these unique and meaningful festivals within Tohoku culture.


awabiraki Matsuri・川開き祭り

Steve Corbett, a former JET Program participant used to live and work in Ishinomaki, Miyagi, one of the harder hit cities that suffered great loss. He was present for the disaster and the experience changed his life forever. Every year since completing his tenure as a teacher in 2012, Steve has returned to his "adopted hometown" to experience the Kawabiraki Matsuri. He speaks to his connection with Ishinomaki and how important the festival is to him and the community.


Sansa Odori・さんさ踊り 

Amanda Kripps, a former JET, has made her life in Tohoku. She continues to live and work in Iwate Prefecture, recently got married, and participates in the world's largest taiko festival, the Sansa Odori. Her episode will feature a pre-festival interview in traditional garb, a scenic sit-down interview at the ruins of a castle in the capital city Morioka, and a lot of performance footage of the festival itself and her performing with her coworkers and friends.


Tanabata Festival・七夕祭り

The episode features Lies van Keer's story of discovering Tohoku through JET, deciding to get married and settle down there, and performing in Sendai's major festival called Tanabata. She previously tried out for the local festival dance team but did not make the cut. This year she was accepted and gets the chance to perform live in front of the festival audience. The episode highlights a dance practice session and interview; a pre-performance interview in the festival garb as she gets ready; footage of the performance itself; and a quick follow up after to wrap it up.

リース バン ケールさんは東北で結婚し、定住しています。インタビューでは仙台名物の七夕まつりについて話しています。リースさんは以前、地元のダンスチームに入ろうとしましたが、上手くいきませんでした。ですが、2014年には参加が認められ、七夕祭りで踊る機会を得ました。お祭り前、お祭り時、お祭り後と時間の流れに沿って、踊りの撮影とインタビューを行いました。

Young adults・若者たち

The Young Adults episode introduces you to Jin, Nanako, and Megumi, three college aged students who live in Fukushima. These young adults share their insights into how the disaster has shaped their futures and changed their perspectives. They all traveled to America on the Kakehashi Project, the largest youth exchange program in U.S.-Japan relations. While in America, they struggled with explaining the situation in Fukushima but were able to make connections and share their stories. Jin, Nanako, and Megumi all share their future aspirations and discuss activities they are doing, both of which are directly influenced by the disaster.


Local Business・地元商業

Full Sail Anchor Coffee・アンカーコーヒー/フルセイルコーヒー

Yasutada Onodera's store in Kesennuma, Miyagi was destroyed by the tsunami. It's his home-town and he wanted to rebuild. By December of 2011, he had rebuilt his shop in a temporary building. The drive to re-establish the shop is because he and many friends and neighbors lost their homes; they wanted a place to escape from everyday life where they could relax and come together as a community. He talks about the importance of local business providing that and providing for Kesennuma.


Howdy Onoya・ハウディーおのや

Masaki Onodera runs a clothing store in Kesennuma, Miyagi and his shop was luckily saved from the force of the tsunami; the waters came to the base of his shop, but no further. The day after the disaster, he opened his shop and provided for the local community, who was desperately in need of basic clothing and supplies. He talks about how hundreds of people showed up since his store was one of the only ones open and how everyone was so orderly and considerate. He highlights that local business drives the community and keeps people living there.



Coming soon.

Peach Farmer ししどりんご園

Nobuko is a peach and fruits farmer in rural Fukushima, running an independent farm that her grandfather started years ago. She talks about how Fukushima peaches are renowned and so delicious, but that since the nuclear disaster, things haven't been the same. The fruit is safe, certified, and still outstanding, but the local farmers suffer from the stigma. She wants to welcome visitors and share the products of Fukushima with people everywhere.



Sake Industry ・醸造

Niida Honke・仁井田本家

Niida Honke introduces you to a sake brewery, the story of how their business was affected, and what things are like now. Niida-san is the 18th generation owner of this family owned brewery in Fukushima -- he is a very personable, charismatic guy who is sincere and comes across brilliantly.



Urakasumi is one of the most prestigious Sake companies out of Miyagi Prefecture. They have been the main sake dealer for Shiogama Shrine since the latter half of the Edo Period. Their brewery was damaged during the earthquake and tsunami and they have since been an active part in their communities’ recovery.



Coming Soon.

The Seed of Hope in the Heart・心に希望の種を

The Seed of Hope in the Heart features Mr. Teiichi Sato, a seed shop owner in Rikuzentakata, Iwate who escaped the tsunami on 3.11, lost his seed shop, rebuilt in the face of adversity, and also wrote a book entitled, "The Seed of Hope in the Heart."  We get to relive what it was like for him stop-by-stop as he escaped and get a sense of how massive the destruction was that day. He rebuilt his shop using tsunami debris, dug a well by hand, and refused to give up. He has an aura about him that is hard to describe. His voice and personality pull you into his story; when he talks, you listen. Mr. Sato is a humble man and a modern day samurai who is full of perseverance and compassion.

佐藤貞一さんの‘The Seed of Hope in the Heart’が最後のエピソードです。佐藤さんは陸前高田で種の販売店を営んでいました。震災で津波の被害に直面し、店を失いました。ですが、諦めることなく、津波で流れた瓦礫などを用い、お店の再開を実現させ、更には“The Seed of Hope in the Heart”という本を執筆しました。当時の被害の深刻さ、希望の種を持つことに大切さ、執筆に至った経緯などを紹介しています。
