The 113 Project: A Series of Short Film Documentaries

From the creative team of the documentary Tohoku Tomo, an IDFA 2015 Finalist with over 30  domestic and international screenings to date, comes the 113 Project, a short film series inviting you  to rediscover Tohoku through the eyes of young adults, local businesses, and other communities  rebuilding their lives and working towards the future. Featuring over a dozen interviews and stories  embodying hope and perseverance, these short films showcase the warmth and beauty of the region while sharing the voices of people who want to let you know how life is today.

March 7th, 2016: Festivals
March 8th, 2016: Young Adults
March 9th, 2016: Local Businesses
March 10th, 2016: Sake Industries
March 11th, 2016: The Seeds of Hope in the Heart

The public is encouraged to use the hashtag, #TTWeek, for Tohoku Tomo Week, where thoughts, photos, and memories of Tohoku can be shared on social media. Questions and inquires are welcome at:


2014 年公開の「東北友」はこれまで国内外合わせて30以上の地域で上映され、2015年には最高のドキュメンタリー映画を称える世界コンテストIAFOR ドキュメンタリー映画アワードにてファイナリスト作品に選ばれました。その「東北友」ドキュメンタリーチームが手がけたスピンオフ・ショートフィルムが「113プロジェクト」です。被災地に暮らす若い世代や地元の商店主、コミュニティーへのインタビュー映像では、彼らの精神力の強さ、復興に向けた取り組み、未来への希望が語られています。被災地の様子を知るにとどまらず、人々の温かさ、地域の美しさを再発見し、東北を見つめなおすきっかけになれば嬉しく思います。


2016年3月7日: お祭り
2016年3月8日: 若者たち
2016年3月9日: 地元商業
2016年3月10日: 醸造
2016年3月11日: 心に希望の種を(The Seeds of Hope in the Heart)



We foresee not only a reclaimed Tohoku, recovered from the impact of this disaster, but a U.S. Japan grassroots partnership more prepared to address critical human issues of fundamental import and long-lasting impact. Just as the Great Hanshin Earthquake was a reminder of the importance of a robust civil society, the Great East Japan Earthquake has reminded us that collaboration, and the synergies that result, are the fuel of civic innovation, social cohesiveness, and human development. We seek to turn the tables on the 311 disaster by identifying methodologies for encouraging the efforts of one (1) plus the efforts of another (1) to combine such that the results are not purely additive but ultimately more that the sum of the constituent parts (3) — 113.


The mission of the 113 Project is to create a venue for dialogue and action that reclaims the message of the Tohoku disaster as an opportunity for good. The 113 Project will encourage collaboration among thought leaders, activists, community members and volunteers to continue the critical work of recovery and revitalization in Tohoku as well as to look at and address together challenges faced by others through the lens of lessons learned out of the Tohoku experience. 






Tohoku Tomo

113's first project was the production of Tohoku Tomo, a documentary film telling the story of how everyday people volunteered to make a difference in the Tohoku region of Japan following the 3/11 earthquake and tsunami.

In 2013, with funding from a Kickstarter campaign, we traveled to Japan to interview individuals and organizations that have been working in the Tohoku region since March 11.

The film includes over a dozen interviews, footage from the impacted areas, and features J-Pop artist Maynard Plant from the band Monkey Majik; Stu Levy, producer of the film Pray for Japan; and host of Tokyofoodcast, Etsuko Nakamura.




この映画では多くの取材、被災地の映像に加え、JーPOPアーティストMonkey Majikのメイナード・プラントさん、映画Pray for Japanの制作者ステュー・レヴィさん、Tokyofoodcastのライター中村悦子さんの活動も紹介しています。